So Hannah is now 4 months old (wow really?!!) and just a huge bundle of joy! She laughs the best laugh I've ever heard, she coos and babbles to herself and will "talk" to you if you babble back....ahh so cute! She rolls back and forwards but not rolling over yet! (almost there) umm.....sleeping is great 8ish till about 7:30-8am sometimes (more recently) she wakes up at 4am chows down then right back to Zzzzzz so I can't complain!!! Although I'm still nursing and that does take a toll on me, I can't pump and feed so she doesnt get the bottle much. We have a squealer on our hands, all the sudden she lets that voice loose and watch out! It's cute now but probably won't be when she's having a hissy fit!!! (but she's perfect and won't do that..hahah)
So here is Hannah sporting her "new" onesie that her Aunt Gemma and Uncle Kenny made for her! It's so adorable!
So here is our little beach bum!! Just laying out on the beach (well the grassy area) around the block from our house!! It's great just to take a stroll up there and be at the beach!! Yay!
We were in Richmond last week for my birthday (27!! ekkk) the 4th and just visiting family and friends! We had a great time! Remi was away so he sent me my favorite...Edible Arragments and my brother got to delivery it to me!!! He works there while he's in school and saw our address and was like "aww Remi must have sent Ashley this" :) Love ya!
I also got flowers!!!! They were AMAZING! Very different...I like that!!! And of course gifts and a ICECREAM CAKE!!! Yummy!!
Then we packed up and headed to my grandparents house at the lake and Hannah got so worn out from all her walks with her GREAT Nana and Papa that she fell asleep on my papa! I don't know who enjoyed the snooze more!!
Well that's it for now, I hear Hannah waking up now! 4th of July photos and more to come!!!
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