Hannah is now 3 months old! I can NOT believe it! She has changed so much in the past few weeks. She is holding her head up excellent and is working on those stomach muscles. She will be in the bouncy chair and will try to sit up, even in the bathtub instead of sitting back relaxing she will be trying to lean forwards!! She will be in her crib and if she wants she can push up on her legs and scoot backwards, to the side and sometimes put herself in the corner of the crib!! So when I check on her I move her back to the middle and in the morning she will be sideways again!!! Silly girl!! We are working on rolling over, she needs a little nudge (i mean little) and over she goes, if she's in a good mood she can flip back but sometimes she gets frustrated and has a fit! We did not have a 3 month checkup, a shot free month! yay! But I weighed her and she is 11.16 oz and really long! Again I did not measure her. I need to for her baby books! okok enough writing lets see some pictures!!
Her she is just hanging out on the boppy! Such a happy girl!!
Here is her new seat that helps her learn to sit up. It's kinda like the bumbo seat but this one has toys and such on it as well as a place for snacks and a tray. She likes it for a little bit here and there. She's just now getting big enough for it.
Like I said, we have a lot to catch up on.......therefore lots of pictures!! On Friday I went to go visit my friend Allison, she just had a baby boy on Mother's Day. Maddox James, so now he's a month old and we met up and went to the pool for a bit then inside to cool off! He's so much tanner than Hannah but she looks HUGE next to him!! Below is them on the play mat! Maddox wanted to snuggle with her and she wanted nothing to do with him!
I will update more later.........can't ingore Hannah!!!
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