4 days ago
Friday, June 26, 2009
Lazy Summer Days!
Summer is finally here! And boy does it feel like it!! So yesterday we packed up and headed to the pool, (only for a little bit) It was WAY hot and I just wanted to get her in the pool to see what she would do! Also thinking the baby pool is probably a bit warmer later in the day from the sun and yes probably baby pee! ewww!! Anyway it was nice and warm so I put her feet in and she kicked around and was calm and enjoyed it. I got her wet up to the waist. I was impressed! In September we are going to Hilton Head and she will be around 6 months so hopefully she will really enjoy the water then!!! Hope everyone is having a great week and staying cool!!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009
I need to use the video camera more often for things like this!! I'm just glad I had the camera there! I was in her room going through all the clothes that she has grown out of so I gave her some tummy time in the boppy. Here is what she did.

No sooner than I put her in, she got those legs moving and got to her knees or something and pushed herself up enough to be balancing on TOP of the boppy!!! So I let her keep going..........

If you look closely you can see her right hand balancing! It was the funnest thing! She wanted to get over that pillow so badly! At this point I'm like right next to her!!

Then she gets her head to the ground and is mad that she can't go any further. She can't get those legs moving anymore. So we decided to switch things up and use the other pillow that did not come up so high in hopes that she won't decide to climb anymore!!! She's a feisty little thing. I'm thinking we will have our hands full when she starts crawling and walking etc.......

Here she is just hanging out in her swing and chewing away on her fist!!!
No sooner than I put her in, she got those legs moving and got to her knees or something and pushed herself up enough to be balancing on TOP of the boppy!!! So I let her keep going..........
If you look closely you can see her right hand balancing! It was the funnest thing! She wanted to get over that pillow so badly! At this point I'm like right next to her!!
Then she gets her head to the ground and is mad that she can't go any further. She can't get those legs moving anymore. So we decided to switch things up and use the other pillow that did not come up so high in hopes that she won't decide to climb anymore!!! She's a feisty little thing. I'm thinking we will have our hands full when she starts crawling and walking etc.......
Here she is just hanging out in her swing and chewing away on her fist!!!
Lets see where did I leave off?? Friday was a pool day then Saturday I went to a wedding all alone :( Remi's out of town. It's a friend of the family's so it was not too bad! I was a wreck the whole time worrying about Hannah at home with my parents but she was a champ and even took 2 bottles from them!!! She's usually not so great at that! Here is a picture of the Smith ladies!!

When we are at my parents house, she sleeps in the pack and play and just loves it! She wakes up so happy and one morning I snapped a picture of it! She's just so precious!!

We had a little photo shoot and she's sporting her "I'll always be daddy's little girl" outfit! So precious!!

This is her 3 month picture! I can't believe how big she has gotten!!
My cousin Becca came up from Williamsburg for the day to visit with her son Jackson, we had planned on swimming but it was to cloudy and chilly for that :( Booo!!! So we just stayed inside and played. Jackson was great with her! He loved to tickle her and "pet" her!!! haha I think he would make a GREAT big brother (hint hint)

This is one my students from the preschool I worked at in Richmond, years ago. Kiley was in my 5 day 5 year olds. She's grown up so much! I believe she will be in 7th grade. Yes she's almost as tall as me....but who isn't right!?? She's even cooler because that day she was sporting a Jimmy Buffett tshirt! I hope her parents got it for her, I haven't even been to his concerts!!!!

We did have a few nice days, so when we did we headed outside and enjoyed the rays! Although Hannah stayed in the shade and looked real glamerous!!!

Here is Hannah with her Uncle Jason. He si great with her and will walk in the house from work and just pick her up and love on her!! It's so precious!! She just gives him the biggest smiles! I think he wants more nieces and nephews but he will just have to wait!!

I do have a few more coming but you will just have to wait!!!
When we are at my parents house, she sleeps in the pack and play and just loves it! She wakes up so happy and one morning I snapped a picture of it! She's just so precious!!
We had a little photo shoot and she's sporting her "I'll always be daddy's little girl" outfit! So precious!!
This is her 3 month picture! I can't believe how big she has gotten!!
My cousin Becca came up from Williamsburg for the day to visit with her son Jackson, we had planned on swimming but it was to cloudy and chilly for that :( Booo!!! So we just stayed inside and played. Jackson was great with her! He loved to tickle her and "pet" her!!! haha I think he would make a GREAT big brother (hint hint)
This is one my students from the preschool I worked at in Richmond, years ago. Kiley was in my 5 day 5 year olds. She's grown up so much! I believe she will be in 7th grade. Yes she's almost as tall as me....but who isn't right!?? She's even cooler because that day she was sporting a Jimmy Buffett tshirt! I hope her parents got it for her, I haven't even been to his concerts!!!!
We did have a few nice days, so when we did we headed outside and enjoyed the rays! Although Hannah stayed in the shade and looked real glamerous!!!
Here is Hannah with her Uncle Jason. He si great with her and will walk in the house from work and just pick her up and love on her!! It's so precious!! She just gives him the biggest smiles! I think he wants more nieces and nephews but he will just have to wait!!
I do have a few more coming but you will just have to wait!!!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
It's been a while..
I'm so sorry!! Hannah and I have been in Richmond for the past week and a half visiting family and friends. We were so busy!! I did not bring the camera cord so I could not upload pictures and what's a blog without pictures?!?! So we're back home in Maryland and it's nice to be back in our own beds (cribs), being just us, but it's also lonely, we were so use to people around all the time. A never ending about of friends and family over my parents house visiting!!! And never having to worry about what's for dinner! AWESOME!!
Hannah is now 3 months old! I can NOT believe it! She has changed so much in the past few weeks. She is holding her head up excellent and is working on those stomach muscles. She will be in the bouncy chair and will try to sit up, even in the bathtub instead of sitting back relaxing she will be trying to lean forwards!! She will be in her crib and if she wants she can push up on her legs and scoot backwards, to the side and sometimes put herself in the corner of the crib!! So when I check on her I move her back to the middle and in the morning she will be sideways again!!! Silly girl!! We are working on rolling over, she needs a little nudge (i mean little) and over she goes, if she's in a good mood she can flip back but sometimes she gets frustrated and has a fit! We did not have a 3 month checkup, a shot free month! yay! But I weighed her and she is 11.16 oz and really long! Again I did not measure her. I need to for her baby books! okok enough writing lets see some pictures!!
Her she is just hanging out on the boppy! Such a happy girl!!

Here is her new seat that helps her learn to sit up. It's kinda like the bumbo seat but this one has toys and such on it as well as a place for snacks and a tray. She likes it for a little bit here and there. She's just now getting big enough for it.

Like I said, we have a lot to catch up on.......therefore lots of pictures!! On Friday I went to go visit my friend Allison, she just had a baby boy on Mother's Day. Maddox James, so now he's a month old and we met up and went to the pool for a bit then inside to cool off! He's so much tanner than Hannah but she looks HUGE next to him!! Below is them on the play mat! Maddox wanted to snuggle with her and she wanted nothing to do with him!

I will update more later.........can't ingore Hannah!!!
Hannah is now 3 months old! I can NOT believe it! She has changed so much in the past few weeks. She is holding her head up excellent and is working on those stomach muscles. She will be in the bouncy chair and will try to sit up, even in the bathtub instead of sitting back relaxing she will be trying to lean forwards!! She will be in her crib and if she wants she can push up on her legs and scoot backwards, to the side and sometimes put herself in the corner of the crib!! So when I check on her I move her back to the middle and in the morning she will be sideways again!!! Silly girl!! We are working on rolling over, she needs a little nudge (i mean little) and over she goes, if she's in a good mood she can flip back but sometimes she gets frustrated and has a fit! We did not have a 3 month checkup, a shot free month! yay! But I weighed her and she is 11.16 oz and really long! Again I did not measure her. I need to for her baby books! okok enough writing lets see some pictures!!
Her she is just hanging out on the boppy! Such a happy girl!!
Here is her new seat that helps her learn to sit up. It's kinda like the bumbo seat but this one has toys and such on it as well as a place for snacks and a tray. She likes it for a little bit here and there. She's just now getting big enough for it.
Like I said, we have a lot to catch up on.......therefore lots of pictures!! On Friday I went to go visit my friend Allison, she just had a baby boy on Mother's Day. Maddox James, so now he's a month old and we met up and went to the pool for a bit then inside to cool off! He's so much tanner than Hannah but she looks HUGE next to him!! Below is them on the play mat! Maddox wanted to snuggle with her and she wanted nothing to do with him!
I will update more later.........can't ingore Hannah!!!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Girls just wanna have fun!!
This past weekend we had a visitor my friend Sarah and what do girls do best?!?! Shop!!! She came in Thursday night so we got a good night's sleep and got up and headed out Friday to shop. Thankfully it was a rainy day so we didn't miss out on the sunny weather! I needed to get a bunch of things and having an extra set of hands helped a lot. We hit my favorite store Target and Sarah went on a shopping spree! I got a really cute pink (of course) skirt!!! Then bed bath and beyond! I had to get a wedding gift, again more hands is helpful!! There is a new shopping center in Annapolis it's an outdoor mall so parking and walking around with a stroller and bags is a bit difficult!
Then we headed to the mall for lunch at Noodles, my FAVORITE place! Strolled around the mall fr a bit then off to babies r us!!! We got more diapers (you can never have enough) and Hannah a sit that helps her sit up with a play station built in! She loves it!!! She is really getting good at her head control. Tonight during her bath she kept leaning forwards....she's working on those stomach muscles!
Saturday was nice out so we headed to the beach, hung out there for a while and got some reading done. The sun wears you out! It's great living in a community that's on the water. Then Sunday we headed to the Narrows and had lunch at the Crab Deck and once again enjoyed the views of the Chesapeake Bay! Then she left :( and we had naps and showered then Hannah and I hit the outlets! So we have had a busy weekend and we are pooped! Hope everyone had a great weekend and enjoyed the nice weather!!
Then we headed to the mall for lunch at Noodles, my FAVORITE place! Strolled around the mall fr a bit then off to babies r us!!! We got more diapers (you can never have enough) and Hannah a sit that helps her sit up with a play station built in! She loves it!!! She is really getting good at her head control. Tonight during her bath she kept leaning forwards....she's working on those stomach muscles!
Saturday was nice out so we headed to the beach, hung out there for a while and got some reading done. The sun wears you out! It's great living in a community that's on the water. Then Sunday we headed to the Narrows and had lunch at the Crab Deck and once again enjoyed the views of the Chesapeake Bay! Then she left :( and we had naps and showered then Hannah and I hit the outlets! So we have had a busy weekend and we are pooped! Hope everyone had a great weekend and enjoyed the nice weather!!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Pool Bum
This past weekend we packed the car and headed to Richmond!!! It's so nice just being able to not worry about my work schedule, just pack up and go!! It was a beautiful weekend!!! We got to see lots of family and friends it was awesome! Friday we met with up Ginny (my friend since Elementary School) and we went to Short Pump Mall....doing what girls do best, SHOP!!! But that didn't last to long it started pouring and being an outdoor mall kind of put a damper on things as well as the loudest thunder I've ever heard was getting Hannah upset so we headed back, dinner, bath and bed was in store for the little one!!!
Saturday we hung out by the pool all day and it was so nice! It was nice and breezy in the shade for Hannah so she was happy as can be! Of course she had to get into her bathing suit, hat and pose for the camera!! That girl has like 5-6 bathing suits for the next year!!! All from her grandma and aunts!!! Such a spoiled little girl already!! So her she is sporting her new swimsuit and fishy towel from Nana Pam!!!! Thanks! Her room theme is under the sea so it matches her room!!! If she's anything like her parents she will love the beach, water, outdoors!!!

Here is my dad with his girls...Hannah and my cousin Chloe!! Just sitting outside on the swing :) So precious!

Now my mom and Hannah!!! We are so lucky our families are close!! It's great just to be home and around lots of family. They can not get enough of her! I can't wait to be there for a week or more later this month!! It's never enough time to see everyone and do everything! This weekend we are having Sarah come visit! Yay! She's such a help. So hopefully the weather will clear up and can go do the park, pool or zoo!!! Well the I hear the little one on the monitor! Bye!
Saturday we hung out by the pool all day and it was so nice! It was nice and breezy in the shade for Hannah so she was happy as can be! Of course she had to get into her bathing suit, hat and pose for the camera!! That girl has like 5-6 bathing suits for the next year!!! All from her grandma and aunts!!! Such a spoiled little girl already!! So her she is sporting her new swimsuit and fishy towel from Nana Pam!!!! Thanks! Her room theme is under the sea so it matches her room!!! If she's anything like her parents she will love the beach, water, outdoors!!!
Here is my dad with his girls...Hannah and my cousin Chloe!! Just sitting outside on the swing :) So precious!
Now my mom and Hannah!!! We are so lucky our families are close!! It's great just to be home and around lots of family. They can not get enough of her! I can't wait to be there for a week or more later this month!! It's never enough time to see everyone and do everything! This weekend we are having Sarah come visit! Yay! She's such a help. So hopefully the weather will clear up and can go do the park, pool or zoo!!! Well the I hear the little one on the monitor! Bye!
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