Today at 12:14pm Hannah was a month old!!! It has gone by so quick that we are just stunned!! She has outgrown her newborn clothes which were 5-8 pounds!!! She is not only growing but becoming more and more alert, her eyes are changing, getting more hair and lighter!!! She is almost out of her newborn diapers and into the stage 1!! It's just amazing!! She is sort of in a routine, she goes to bed at 10 or 11pm and sleeps till about 4:30-5am for a quick feeding (like 1 or 2 ounces) then right back to sleep, up again like 7:30-8am for some more food, then even sometimes we snuggle in bed till 10! (AMAZING!!) Then during the day she naps here and there usually 2 hr eat, sleep, etc....Not too bad. I'm still drained of energy from nursing. I hope that will get better soon!! We will take more later of her and post them!!!
4 days ago
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