My BFF Sarah came to visit before she went on a cruise and brought Hannah some gifts! Check out the bag! (Daddy just loved it! haha)
She was so excited about all the paper, she enjoyed that before she found the gifts!!!
What to get a 2 year old girl??? PRINCESS DRESSES!!!!!!!
DORA!!! They are a HUGE hit and you will become the coolest person...EVER!
Making sure it's all empty.....YUP.
And princess beads.
I think she likes them!
We can't forget Belle and the beautiful yellow dress!
Sheer joy!!!! She was so happy!
So the little diva knew the yellow one was longer than the pink so she wanted yellow on then pink, way to rock the double frill girl!
This girl is set for dress up now! Thanks Rara we loved having you and can't wait for you to come back and stay longer!!!!!!!!! LOVE YA! Thanks your the best EVER!
4 days ago