Well I had my first experience of Hannah dipping into Toddler Ville yesterday. We usually keep the bathroom doors shut b/c she has recently become obessed with the toilet and trash cans, pulling everything out the cabinets the list goes on.....but we have gotten relaxed since Remi has baby proofed the bathrooms minus the toilet because target didnt' seem to have the safety lids. I need to get those anyway! Back to my story.....
I was probably ignoring my child and letting the kiddies that I keep follow her around! haha Meaning I was on Facebook, blogging or on my Blackberry....... :) I could hear Hannah just not "see" her. Well check it out!
Uh OH!! Caught in action......

But how could I be mad??? It's the funniest things I've seen in a while!

So what do I do??? Grab the camera and video camera to capture these precious moments!!! And of course send a picture to Daddy at work!!

Hmmm...doesn't taste too good.....ya think Hannah!??

TP trailing along across the floor.....

The 3 of us were laughing and of course it only made it make more of a mess but it was first time and it was pretty funny. She rolled off the entire roll. At first when I went in there she was sitting on the stool by the TP roll just rolling the paper off. :) But when she saw us she quickly moved and stood up.
I think we are going to have a hard time holding back our laughs and picture takings when she really gets into things and says some things that are out of line. But for now it's all innocent and I'm all about letting her have fun and experience these things!!!!!
Hope this made you laugh and brightened your day as it did mine! :)